Friday 13 March 2020

Bonnes vacances!

Note on Duolingo: It is not for homework over the break. As a 'gift' to you, any Duolingo you DO complete, will replace missed days from the first check-in.

The French portion of the art project is starting upon return from the break! I recommend completing the artwork over the break (if you have time), otherwise you will have Mon/Tuesday evenings when we return to finish it. More info in post below!

Project work!

>> Choose a drawing or painting by a French or Canadian artist to be inspired by.
It should not be an artist we have studied this semester!

Some websites to explore:

>> Make sure you have a variety of lines/shapes/colours you can describe (more details on what exactly you need to include in your description will be revealed upon return- I want you to work on the French part in class.)

>> Theme is... Social Media -> your painting/drawing needs to show this theme. 
E.g. fake reality, influencers, selfies, social media addiction, 'highlight' reel (i.e. only showing good parts of life), body image, likes and followers, positive aspects of it: connection, sharing of information. any images you use as inspiration you MUST source!! Even if it's for ideas!! Write down where you found it- if it is on Google you can do a reverse image search 

Your artwork needs to be 'original' : you can use ideas found online, but change it up to make it different! It is never okay to copy an image and claim it as your own (this is plagiarism) so make sure you make a note of all places you found inspiration, and add elements that make it your own.

An example to help you if you are still unsure: 
E.g. this image by Cezanne called "Seated Man." I could draw my own version of this. I could use the same stance, similar colours, but have the seated man looking at his phone, maybe there are things going on in the background of the image but he is unaware of them. Maybe I change his hat so he is wearing a baseball cap that says "Follow me" on it. Maybe he is taking a selfie! 

Thursday 5 March 2020

La texture

Voici nos objets:
le/la______________ est rugueux/rugueuse (use correct form)
le/la _______________ est doux/douce (use correct form)

Post pictures of objects on FreshGrade!

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Drawing/Listening and Speaking/Explaining practice yesterday and today.
We used some new vocabulary to describe where things are in a picture,
as well as the vocabulary for different lines/shapes:
Dessinez! (Draw! A command used when being polite, or talking to a group of people : vous)

en haut/en bas/au milieu
à droite
à gauche
à côté de...


au dessus de…
sous le/la…
à l’envers

un petit carré
un grand rectangle

We reviewed pronunciation, some m/f, placement of grand/petit,
adding multiple lines (e.g. "Dessinez trois lignes verticales")

eg: En haut, dessinez un grand cercle. Sous le cercle, dessinez un petit carré. Dans le carré dessinez trois lignes en zig zag. 

Devoirs: Duolingo 10XP

Thursday 27 February 2020

Selon nous, la couleur rose est _f-adj__, _f-adj___ et _f-adj__.
A notre avis, elle représente __n___ et __n___.

Nous sommes d’accord
Nous ne sommes pas d’accord

Watch your adj vs nouns!! Some of you are still getting confused.
*adjectives depend on what you are describing: they change (m/f/pl) 
*nouns are inherently m/f. (they have articles "le/la/les")
If you need more help, please come talk to me :) 

é  /  e
é = ayy

You found out what kind of artist you are and shared with the class.
You learned some new vocabulary in the process.

We went over #11-20 of Entrevue Flash

Devoirs: Duolingo 10XP

Wednesday 26 February 2020

FreshGrade Culture posts (so far)

1. Post a picture of your artwork (Cezanne inspired and Miro inspired)
Comment with 3 things you learned about art/artists,
2 things you already knew and
1 thing you are interested in exploring/wonder about art.
(Please include question in comment!)

2. Post a photo of a graffiti artwork you like
under the "Culture" FreshGrade activity
by one of the artists we saw yesterday.
Comment: Yesterday we learned about Graffiti artists
in Paris. The artist I like the most is ______
because.... (then include French answer you wrote)

Tuesday 25 February 2020

"M" is a singer from France.
Look at his hair! it is supposed to resemble the letter "M"
His real name is Mathieu Chedid

2 activities to complete for this song:
1 -> after listening, give opinion (written on song sheet, tell group!)
2 -> decide what the colours represent (in your opinion)
Selon moi... le ____ (colour) est ____(adj) le _____ (colour) symbolise ____(noun)... etc.

Paris Graffiti Artists Presentation:

This accompanies the "Chasse au Tresor" sheet

After, complete the "Quel type d'artiste es-tu?" activity + work on the word search on the back.

Devoirs: Duolingo 10XP, Reading test demain (tomorrow)!

Thursday 20 February 2020

Graffiti questions (find the answers in the text)

1. Other than words, what else can graffiti be?
2. Often on walls, where can they be seen?
3. Graffiti is used for 3 different purposes. What are they?
4. The Ancient Romans (among other groups) etched/carved what on walls and monuments?
5. What are 3 tools that graffiti artists use the most?
6. What are graffiti artists signatures called?
7. Graffiti can be seen in 2 different ways. Explain.
8.What movement is it associated with?
9. Who are two famous street artists from the USA?

Answers under cut

Wednesday 19 February 2020



1. Where was Miro from?
2. He painted shapes that resembled... (4 possible answers)
3. Did his paintings tell a story? Explain
4. Why is he famous in France?
5. What kind of colours did he use?
6. What else did he do besides paint?
7. At what age did he die?

(answers under the cut)

Voici mon dessin à la Miro
Premièrement j’ai dessiné (Firstly I drew... describe the body! is it "une ligne organique" or "une ligne fine" or "un triangle" etc.) 
Ensuite j’ai ajouté… (Then I added... describe the head! is it "un ovale" or "un cercle" etc.)  
Après j’ai mis… (After, I put... describe the eyes! "des lignes verticales" or "des lignes foncées" 
Finalement j’ai griffonné # _________ (Finally, I sketched... how many shapes did you add? describe them!) 
(see pg. 34 - 36 : lines and shapes)
Pour représenter (n) j’ai utilisé le (couleur)
Pour symboliser (n) j’ai ajouté le (couleur)
Ce (couleur) est (adj) et ce (couleur) est (adj)
(see pg. 32 - 33 : colours/ your notes - just like you did for the Cezanne drawing)
Merci de votre attention!

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Prepositions will help you write simple sentences for your house project!

e.g. Il est tombé devant la maison (he fell in front of the house)

What do the colours mean? (Qu'est-ce que les couleurs veulent dire?)
Selon moi/ A mon avis/ D'après moi....
le * représente (n)
le * est (adj)
la couleur *f est (adj f)
la couleur *f représente (n)
pour symboliser/représenter (n) l'artiste a utilisé le *

* = colour
(n) = noun
(adj) = adj
f = feminine


Monday 10 February 2020

1. We learned about Monet (reading) and visited this museum- virtually!

2. We did some conjugating practice (this should be getting easier)
Passé composé (ATTN!! Avoir / Être) -> answers under the cut
 1. Elle ___________ (tomber) amoureuse de la sculpture.
 2. Vous __________ (placer) l’œuvre dans la galerie.
 3. Tu ____________ (détester) mon dessin.
 4. Je ______________ (finir) ma peinture avec une grande étoile.
 5. Ils _______________(revenir) à Paris après le vernissage.

3. We did some practice differentiating nouns and adjectives
e.g. la curiosité (curiosity - a noun) vs. curieux (m adjective) / curieuse (f adjective)
- you could say "Je suis curieux" (I am curious) but not "Je suis la curiosité" (I am curiosity)
- you could say "Le jaune représente la curiosité" (yellow represents curiosity) but not "Le jaune représente curieux" (yellow represents curious)
- you could say, however, "Le jaune est curieux" (yellow is curious)

4. You had time to work on your house projects

Thursday 6 February 2020

Passé Composé practice.

Mix of Avoir/Etre! Consult your 
Dr + Mrs Vandertramp list! 
*are irregular (do not follow rules)

1.      L’artiste  _______ (finir) son dessin cet après-midi
2.      Les jeunes artistes _____________________ (griffonner) sur la feuille de papier
3.      Cézanne ______________________ (mourir)* en 1906
4.      Nous _____________________ (vendre) nos dessins pour 5000$
5.      Elle _________________________(devenir)* fameuse
6.      Tu ________________________ (observer) le paysage
7.      Vous ________________________ (peindre)* un triangle jaune
8.      Je _____________________ (acheter) un nouveau pinceau  
9.      Tu ________________________ (aller) en France pour étudier l’art
10.  Elles ________________________ (choisir) le vert pour représenter la nature

Answers under the cut

Maison d’être activity

Maison d’être activity
This is a visual aid for you to remember the verbs.

To do (checklist)
____  Choose an artist (from box in class)
____ Look up information on them, and fill in the artist “bio” – include this somewhere in your drawing.
____ Draw a house including some elements from your artist (up to you what to include!) – write down what works of art inspired your house in the “bio” section
____ Somewhere in your drawing you should include the verb “être” conjugated for the different subjects (je, tu, il, nous, vous, ils) – write it on the side, or in the house!
____ Write and draw someone moving throughout the house (dr & mrs vandertramp verbs)
____ Write a simple sentence for each drawing (e.g. Il est tombé = he fell)
ATTN! some have irregular past participles: do not follow rules and some will require a longer sentence e.g. Elle est all
ée... en France
____ Should be coloured! (Will depend on artist’s work for colours)

Bio (change to "elle" and add agreement if you chose a female artist)
Il est né en (year)
Il est entré à (school/college or another city)
Il est tombé amoureux de  (la peinture, le dessin, la sculpture / person’s name)
(amoureux - > amoureuse if female artist)
Il est allé à (city)
Il est retourné à (city) à la fin de sa vie
Il est mort en (year)
Quelques oeuvres: _________, ____________, ___________ (title of works of art that inspired the house you drew) 

Devenir (to become) past participle: devenu
Revenir (to come back) past participle: revenu

Monter (to climb) past participle: monté
Rester (to stay) past participle: resté
Sortir (to leave/go out) past participle: sorti

Venir (to come) past participle: venu
Aller (to go) past participle: allé
Naître (to be born) past participle: né
Descendre (to descend) past participle: descendu
Entrer (to enter) past participle: entré
Rentrer (to re-enter) past participle: rentré
Tomber (to fall) past participle: tombé
Retourner (to turn around/to return) past participle: retourné
Arriver (to arrive / to come) past participle: arrivé
Mourir (to die) past participle: mort
Partir (to leave) past participle: parti

Passer (to pass) past participle: passé ** (this uses être when the subject is physically passing by something, it uses avoir if something is being passed- like a ball) - I mentioned this verb in class. Adding this verb to your house activity is optional!


Extending (10/10) all required elements are present, all verbs are represented, all sentences are correct, shows an excellent or profound understanding of artist’s work and the passe compose (etre)  

Proficient (8/10) most/all required elements, all verbs are represented, may be some errors with sentences, shows a good understanding of artist’s work and the passe compose (etre)

Developing (6.5/10) some required elements may be missing, all verbs may not be represented, some errors with sentences/missing sentences, understanding of artists’s work and the passe compose (etre) may be limited

Emerging (5/10) limited grasp of assignment, missing some required elements and verbs, many errors with sentences/missing sentences, does not fully grasp the passe compose (etre) yet.

I (incomplete) not finished assignment, missing most required elements, needs more time to complete

Wednesday 5 February 2020

1. Some students presented their drawings
2. We reviewed the past tense avoir (notes)
3. We practiced (questions)
4. We reviewed the negative with the past tense
5. We reviewed the past tense être (notes)
6. The "être house" activity was described, you will choose your artist next class (from a box) and start the assignment (worth a writing mark)

Devoirs: Duolingo 10XP

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Today we learned about Cézanne and what different colours can mean.
You made your own "nature morte" and wrote out this mini-presentation.
We will be presenting some of them tomorrow!

Voici mon dessin à la Cézanne.
J’ai dessiné une nature morte avec # ________ (fruit names in French!)
J’ai utilisé le ______ parce que je suis __________ (adj),
 J’ai mis le _________ (colour) pour symboliser _________ (noun) – le/la/les
et J’ai choisi le __________ (colour) pour représenter _________ (noun).

Devoirs: Duolingo 10XP

Questions about Cezanne (answers under the cut)
 1. Where is Cézanne from?
 2. Why is he considered to be very important? (2 poss. answers)
 3. What became 1 of Cézanne’s favourite subjects to paint in Provence?
4. Did he use large or small brush strokes?
 5. What is “Mont Sainte-Victoire?”
6. What is “la nature morte” in English? (not a direct translation- think about it!)
 7. When did he die?

Monday 3 February 2020

Kahoot (Play if you were away)

Click here for the introductory surveys

Block B

Block C

French 10 (B)
>> Click here to join the class (web)
Classroom code (no spaces) - for mobile

French 10 (C)
Classroom code (no spaces) - for mobile

** I'm going to start looking at your Duolingo progress tomorrow!**

To do
1. Sign up for Duolingo
2. Download the app on your phone/device
3. Enrol in the class: French 10 (B or C)
Enrolling in the class is how I will be able to check your progress

I would like you to set your daily goal at 10XP (Casual). Duolingo is homework Monday to Friday, and will help inform your final grade. Languages are all about practice, so I should see a commitment to completing 10XP everyday and your continued progress through the levels. (This means that you cannot just complete "Basics 1" everyday for homework.)  If you miss a day during the week, you can make it up on Saturday. I will not be looking at any Duolingo done on Sunday (but if you would like to keep up your 'streak' and make your green owl friend happy, you should continue!) Fun tip: Try the "chat" feature, where you text in French with a Duolingo bot!

Find the research about Duolingo's benefits HERE


Can I just do 50XP on Saturday instead of doing Duolingo everyday?
No. The idea is to practice your French skills everyday! If you miss a day during the week, make it up on Saturday!

What if I just do an extra 10XP the following day?
If you miss Monday, wait until Saturday to make up your missed day. The goal is to have you practice your language skills on a daily basis.

Can I do more than 10XP a day?
I recommend 10XP-20XP  a day because it is a manageable amount. Although Duolingo is like a game, it is not like a typical video game where you need to beat all of the levels all at once. Do not sit down and try to 'beat the game.' Languages are all about practice, doing a little each day will be more beneficial for your language acquisition in the long run.

I don't have a phone, do I still have to do Duolingo?
Duolingo is both web-based and on mobile! You can do Duolingo on a desktop computer as well as on your phone. (The web version actually has more grammar tips and information on it! Lucky you!)

How much of my mark is it worth?
5% - I do monthly check-ins.
If you are between a B and an A, I will bump you up if you have consistently been doing Duolingo. I have also found that those who do Duolingo, just do better in the course itself. It practises all of the language elements (Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening) and supplements vocabulary learned in class. This counts as homework, although you are welcome to complete it in class. It will affect your work habits grade. 


Completely optional: If you want to work on/focus on your reading/listening in French... that's great! I want to give you another language learning tool to play around with if that describes you. has a lot of stories that you read and listen to (you can highlight the text to see what words mean.) Click here to see how it works.

Friday 31 January 2020

Cette semaine...

1. Classroom rules and some language tools you can use in class.

2. You created a banner and presented yourselves to the class
Bien fait! You practiced your writing/speaking and listening skills

3. We reviewed reading strategies and learned about Chinese New Year through a variety of texts.

Next week we will be doing a bit more review, figuring out Duolingo,
and then jumping into our first unit.